I used the Stamps (see Gifts on this Web site) as a lighting control box
on a lark recently, to light a friend's alternative
rock bandmy lovely 3500 lumen, 1400 x 1040 Canon Realis SX 6 was the
whole lighting kit. People liked the lines, and I admit they moved well
and seemet to support the music, but they just weren't doing the job as
sources of light for the band. So I took the next two days and wrote a
lighting program.
I'll likely release it as another gift at some point, but it needs some
tidying up before I do. Happily, the interface seems straightforward enough:
an interested bystander asked how it worked and I handed him the stylus
for my Toshiba M 400. Training took three sentences and he took over for
two songs.
Here's an applet version to play with. Most of it
works like (I hope) you might expect, but I'm particularly happy with how
you can move a recorded motion to follow moving performers: just drag
the recording widget. That also got around the issue of naming a recorded
action in a performance situation: here, you just drag the widget close
to what you're recording: no label needed!
(Patent pending, but if you're coding not-for-profit
or personal work, e-mail & I'll happily grant a license to the concept gratis.)