Page last updated March 19, 2007













I’m often asked to speak about information visualization and interaction design, and sometimes design and art. Most venues are free ones, but even the restricted ones sometimes allow me to bring someone in to hear the presentation. Let me know if you would like to come to one of the talks that aren’t freely open to the public—I’ll see what I can do.


Invited lecturer: Interaction Design as a Branch of the Humanities: A healthier fit than technology or computer science?
University of Maryland, Human-Computer Interaction Lab
Wednesday, March 28, 2007; 4:00pm

Workshop lead: Domain- and Task-Specific Tools for the Humanities: What’s needed now, what’s attainable
MITH - Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
Wednesday, March 29, 2007; 10:00am

Descriptions about the above two engagements exist.

Presenter: Cognitive Science in the Design of Graphical Images & Interfaces [proposed]
Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Nashville TN
Presentations and discussion with Brian Fisher (Interactive Arts & Technology, Simon Fraser University); W. Bradford Paley (Columbia University Computer Science, Information Esthetics); Zenon Pylyshyn (Centre for Cognitive Science Rutgers Unuversity); Ron Rensink (Psychology & Computer Science, University of British Columbia); Barbara Tversky (Psychology, Stanford University).
Two hours, sometime during August 1-4, 2007 [if accepted]


Invited lecturer: Mapping New Knowledge Ecologies
The Design Institute's atelier in 308 Northrop Auditorium, University of Minnesota
Mapping New Knowledge Ecologies brings together experts from the field of interactive design, statistics, architecture and locative media to discuss how the College of Design might use new mapping techniques and technologies to reveal knowledge assets and indicate potential new hybrid lines of inquiry emanating from the College of Design.
Saturday, February 10, 2007; 9:00am

Panelist: Science Friction Series: #1: The Hottest Scientists in the Art World with Doug Fitch, W. Bradford Paley, Michael Rees, Adam Zaretsky; moderated by Kóan Jeff Baysa
A synopsis and speaker statements are on another, linked page.
The Penthouse at the Roger Smith Hotel. Admission is $5 with reservations, $10 at the the door. Refreshment will be served. RSVP to (212) 339-2092
Sunday, February 4, 2007; 4:00pm

Invited lecturer: Computer Science Department Colloquium
University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell MA
(This colliquium will be followed the next day, 10:00-2:00, by a pro bono seminar exploring my design methodology for “richly expressive” interfaces)
Wednesday, December 7, 2005; 3:00pm

Panelist: I Taught Myself Everything I Know: Autodidacticism in New Media Art
With Mary Flanagan and Keiko Uenishi; Mark Tribe moderating
American Folk Art Museum, 49 East 52nd Street, New York, NY
Sunday, January 29, 2006; 9:00am

Keynote: Institutional Investor Finanical Technology Forum (Winter Workshop)
At the Union League (II FTF Members only, contact Lewis Knox for details: (212) 224-3826)
Thursday, February 2, 2006; 10:00am

Workshop participant: Informal Meeting on Mapping Sciences
Thomson Scientific, Garfield 2 Room
Thursday and Friday, December 1 & 2; 2005

Keynote lecture: Supporting Visual Analysis: Perceptual, cognitive, and semantic techniques
(streaming video: sound becomes intelligible after intro!)
Social Networks and Cyberinfrastructure (SNAC), NSF-funded social network research workshop
The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), Urbana, NC
Friday, November 4, 2005; 8:00pm

Invited talk & acceptance speech: Inszenierungspreises (“Staging Prize”) for TraceEncounters
Ars Electronica Festival for Art, Technology & Society
Brucknerhaus; Linz, Austria
Tuesday, September 6, 2005; 3:00pm

Invited talk: Visual Techniques for Statistics, Statistical Techniques for Visualization
The American Statistical Association’s Joint Statistical Meeting JSM2005
Tuesday, August 9, 2005; 8:30

Organizer/interviewer/moderator: Information Esthetics Lecture Series One
Seven people spoke at length, then chatted with the audience about how images might both inform and move viewers.
The Chelsea Art Museum; Nina Colosi, host
Thursdays, March-July, 2005; 6:00pm-8:30pm

Keynote talk: Tying Beauty to Truth: Visual mnemonics add meaning to perceived patterns
Ninth International Conference on Information Visualization (IV05)
School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences; Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich; London
Friday, July 8, 2005; 2:00pm

Opening plenary: Cheap Tricks Revealing Profound Truths: How to sell your soul and keep it, too
CHI 2005 “alt.chi” subconference, addressing “controversial, exciting, or emerging” research.
Oregon Convention Center, Portland OR
Tuesday, April 5, 2005; 4:30pm

Invited talk: Visual and Cognitive Layering: Using illustration/art techniques to differentiate
MGA Workshop III: Multiscale structures in the analysis of High-Dimensional Data
Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), UCLA, Los Angeles CA
A workshop exploring the interactions between multiscale thinking and high-dimensional data, bringing together experts from classical machine learning, spectral graph theory, and visualization and sonification of high dimensional data.
October 25-29, 2004

Panel participant: Synthesizing Realities
Negotiating Realities Symposium
Tishman Auditorium, New School University; 66 West 12th Street, New York, NY
Other panelists include Barbara London of MoMA and Kelly Dobson of the MIT Media Lab. The symposium is associated with a concurrent show at the Chelsea Museum of Art (“The Passage of Mirage”) which contains my CodeProfiles framed computer and print.
Sunday, October 10, 2004; 11:00am-1:00pm

Panel participant: Panel 1: Information Visualization
Ars Electronica Festival: Social Networks Seminar; Linz, Austria
A panel addressing information visualization and how it can serve social network analysis. Inspiration for the TraceEncounters project.
Wednesday, September 9, 2004; 10:00am

Keynote talk: Information Esthetics: from MoMA to Wall Street
InfoVis  2003 Symposium, Seattle WA
Sunday, November 8, 2003; 8:00pm

Acceptance speech/lecture: Grand Prize, Digital Art [Non-Interactive Art] Division
2002 [6th]  Japan Media Arts Festival
Award given for A TextArc of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
March 31, 2003

Panel participant: Digital Textuality and Visual Cultures
Society for Textual Scholarship 2003 Conference
March 21, 2003

Banquet closing address: Humanities Computing and Emerging Mind Technologies
The Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada
Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities
May 27, 2002

Please see my previous home page for speaking engagements farther in the past.